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KeyPlastic specializes in the design and construction of high precision mechanical components. The technology, the high professional competence and the continuous attention to the goal, are the distinctive elements that make the company an ideal and reliable partner. 

Predicting and anticipating needs with the contribution of avant-garde technologies is the hallmark of the company. From this point of view, KeyPlastic transforms from a simple supplier to a technological partner to whom the customer can rely for the realization, not only of prototypes, single pieces, small-medium series in different materials, but for targeted consultancy for the realization of what is required pre-established standards and project specifications.

Our history

KeyPlastic was founded in 2007 in the heart of the Motorvalley industrial district known throughout the world in the automotive industry and advanced mechanics, initially focusing in the Motor Sport sector.

Soon long-term collaborations began, with large Groups known all over the world (MotoGp, Formula One, etc.) transforming from a workshop in charge of third-party work to a Technology Partner able to support clients with advice and highly specialized supplies.

After the first years of activity, the company has expanded its reference sectors so much that today it covers a wide range of areas, thanks to a long and consolidated experience characterized by operational flexibility and high knowledge.